Company tags for people – now find people in tagged companies

Hello there. We are excited to announce a feature that will make a lot of people happy – Company tags for People!

What are Company tags for People?

One of the most frequent requests we get is that users have Companies tagged as XYZ, and want to find all the People contacts that belong to Companies tagged XYZ. But, before this feature, unless you also tagged the People contacts with XYZ, you couldn’t. If you clicked the tag XYZ, you’d get a list of Companies and that’s it. You couldn’t export the People in that list of Companies, you couldn’t send them a Broadcast, etc.

So now you have the option to include the People of Tagged Companies:



If you wanted to take that a step further, to say, send a Broadcast to only the People, you could filter on the View at the top to just return People:


We know the original rollout of this feature caused some unexpected behavior for some of you – we hope the revised version works well for all! We definitely appreciate all of the feedback that got us to what we think is a great solution!

We hope the ability to Include the People of Tagged Companies will save you a lot of time and effort. And that you’re having a great week!

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